Report Content (complaints policy)

Users may report content that may be illegal or otherwise violate standards by sending an email to All such reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days. Upon review, if content is found to be illegal or otherwise violates standards, it will be removed from the site. Once the review process is complete, the reporter will be notified by email of the results of the review process. If the reporter disagrees with the decision, they may appeal by replying within seven business days with further reasoning or evidence to support their appeal. Any appeal will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days. Once the appeal is reviewed, the reporter will be notified of the results of the appeal process. Once the reporter has been notified of the results of the appeal process, no further appeals will be allowed.

If you feel that you are a person depicted in content on this website, you may appeal to have the content removed. You may submit an appeal by sending an email to All such reports will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days. If an investigation determines that consent was not given or is void under applicable law, then the content will be removed from the site. Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, you may submit a complaint and the issue will be investigated and resolved by a neutral 3rd party within 90 days.